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Auto Tech Days: Connected Car

About This Webinar

Session 1 | Industry think tank: Multi-level approach to verify vehicle-road-cloud collaboration in smart transportation.

Session 2 | C-V2X application layer testing: Comparing KPIs of testing with SiL vs HiL.

Session 3 | From the road to the lab: Validation of ADAS / AD functions with real sensors.

Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
CICV, Technical Specialist
Mr. Huang Tai is working as technical specialist of vehicular wireless communication lab in CICV. He worked as verification leader, advanced engineering project leader, 6-sigma black belt engineer in Volvo (Sweden) R&D Department. Participated in the development & verification of wireless communication technologies in Volvo SPA platform and CMA platform, PoC research on the wireless technology for the next-generation platform. He has a lot of experience in design and verification of vehicular wireless communication system.
Webinar hosting presenter
Keysight Technologies, Strategic Solutions Planner
Bill McKinley has spent 30 years working on wireless communications starting with Hewlett-Packard, followed by Agilent Technologies after the HP spin-off, and most recently with Keysight Technologies. He has traveled extensively all over the world including time working abroad to gain valuable international experience. His current focus is developing test solutions for the automotive sector as wireless communications transform the industry. He represents Keysight in several organizations such as 5GAA and OmniAir and is regularly invited to give presentations or take part in panel sessions.
Bill has held multiple engineering and management positions throughout his career including R&D, Strategic Planning, Marketing, and Manufacturing Engineering.
Bill is currently the lead strategic Solutions Planner for Keysight’s Automotive/Connected Car business segment and holds a BSc in EE.
Webinar hosting presenter
Keysight Technologies, Automotive and Energy Solutions Manager
Silviu Tuca is the radar-based autonomous vehicle product line manager for Keysight. After obtaining an EE master’s degree in RF electronics and a PhD in Biophysics, he has spent his professional life working with test and measurement equipment – either developing new calibration methods, technical consulting, or articulating the value of those instruments. Silviu is in Stuttgart, Germany, and in his free time enjoys being outdoors, listening to audiobooks or podcasts, and a good philosophical discussion.
Webinar hosting presenter
Automotive Market Industry Manager
Slides-From the road to the lab
Slides - Application Layer KPI Test Using SIL and HIL
Slides - Test Promotes the Design of Vehicular Wireless Comms
White Paper: Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X): Shaping the Future of Smart Mobility
Solution Brief: Develop C-V2X with Confidence as 5G Evolves
View upcoming webinars, seminars and tradeshows
White Paper: Sharpen your ADAS radar vision with full-scene emulation