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Data Center Technologies That Are Shaping the Future of Communication

About This Webinar

Future communications infrastructure will shape society like never before. Virtual economies and digital twins of “everything” from production floors to entire workflows will bring visions like the Metaverse to life. From server to mobile end devices, new KPIs for this digital world experience and ubiquitous computing and communication will require a more than 1000-fold improvement in the performance of the communication infrastructure. However, these improvements will need to be within reasonable bounds of energy consumption and Co2-equivalent emission.
This session will discuss the challenges of network and data center performance improvements meeting cost and energy consumption targets. Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express (UCIe) that builds on an open ecosystem of chiplets for on-package innovations is one critical element towards that goal, that we will dive into. We will also discuss the vision of “The Innovative Optical and Wireless Network” (IOWN) Global Forum that will propel technologies in communication and network infrastructure to meet technological challenges and social needs. We will close the session with an outlook on the data center build out including the timelines for 800G and 1.6T deployments.
